Week 5: Wednesday 10th to Tuesday 16th May

When you peruse the e mails of what’s on in NYC you can pick up some gems, like the Fotograviska gallery’s exhibition of 50 years of Hip Hop being free for one day with Amazon music donating one dollar for every person who visited the exhibition.


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Week 4: Wednesday 3rd to Tuesday 9th May

Wednesday 3rd May was the 15th Anniversary of my meeting Alfie for the first time in Crickhowell so I marked it with a Facebook Post. I miss him more than ever. One of my favourite photos of him was taken 4 years ago, at the age of 11 in Bayhead, New Jersey, standing in his inimitable majestic style. I do feel blessed that this very special being was my loving and faithful companion for nearly 15 years.



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Week 3: Wednesday 26th April to Tuesday 2nd May

Wednesday morning I set off for “Tavern to go” for a coffee & cookie, feeding crumbs to the birds (American robins and sparrows), [Read more…]

Week 2: Wednesday 19th to Tuesday 25th April

I awoke determined to visit one of my favourite places – Governor’s Island, just 800 yards from the tip of Manhattan. [Read more…]

Eighth post from Jackie & Alfie, NYC 2019

Up at 6.30 a.m. on Saturday 8th June to walk Alfie in a sunny, fresh and quiet Riverside Park [Read more…]

Sixth post from Alfie & me, NYC 2019

The morning of 28 May, Alfie and I went to visit the goats by the tennis courts [Read more…]

Second blog post from Alfie and me, NYC 2019

On Good Friday, Debbie and I tucked in to some of the 18 hot cross buns I brought with me from England

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Back in NYC with Alfie!

I am so happy to be back in NYC with Alfie! We arrived on 10 April after flying from Manchester Airport. [Read more…]

Open air theatre, films & jazz

The wonderful thing about NYC in the Spring/Summer is the number of open-air freebies happening all over the 5 boroughs. [Read more…]

Alfie and I are back in NYC!

Central, Morningside and Riverside Parks are Alfie’s favourite places to be – although Bob the cat in the local pet store is his obsession.  [Read more…]