Week 5: Wednesday 10th to Tuesday 16th May

When you peruse the e mails of what’s on in NYC you can pick up some gems, like the Fotograviska gallery’s exhibition of 50 years of Hip Hop being free for one day with Amazon music donating one dollar for every person who visited the exhibition.


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Fourth post from Alfie and me, NYC 2019

On Tuesday 7 May I set my alarm for 6.45 so that I could give Alfie a good walk in Riverside Park before I set off for one of the last days of the Frida Kahlo exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum.

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Autumn in NYC without my Alfie – 3rd of 4 blogs: Met Museum, Upstate, Staten Island etc

On Friday, having taken Ellie out for her usual run in the park, collected the morning free newspapers on Broadway and had breakfast with Debbie while listening to Brian Lehrer on WNYC, Debbie and I went to Madison Square Park. [Read more…]

Teaching at Tibet House & the Tibetan Museum. Party! More plays: Sheridan & Shakespeare again

I was delighted to be able to teach twice whilst in New York [Read more…]